TOUL and prevention of hospital infections in Urology.

Operio focused laminar flow creates a strictly aseptic space, by removing 99.9% of airborne bacteria and micro-organisms, including Coronavirus Covid-19.

Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain one of the most challenging postoperative complications of healthcare and threaten the lives of millions of patients each year. Current evidence has shown a positive relationship between the airborne concentration of bacteria-carrying particles (BCPs) in the operating room (OR) and the rate of infections. The OR ventilation is crucial for mitigating the dispersion of airborne bacterial contaminants and thus controlling the risk of SSIs

Many people in the general public think of ORs as ultra clean, even sterile, environments. For anyone working in ORs, it is clear that this view is far from the truth. Although modern ORs have strict measures to reduce contamination, the OR environment becomes contaminated with every person entering the operating room. The more people are present in an operating room the higher is the contamination with pathogens that cause infections including SSIs. Especially implant surgery and eye surgery need a very aseptic environment as already a few pathogens can cause infections which are devastating and very expensive to treat.

Despite surgical clothing, every person releases around 200 to 500 bacteria per minute to the environment. Hyg + Med, 12: 205-210 (1987).

The Operio Sterile Air Flow unit filters the ambient air through a highly purifying H 14 Hepa filter with an efficiency of over 99.9%, which eliminates bacteria and micro-organisms (including coronavirus covid 19) by over 99.9%! These units can be positioned to produce a “bacteria-free zone” that offers the greatest possible protection for both the surgical team and the patient, in that they filter 400 m3 of air per hour, thus reducing microorganisms in the entire room. The entirety of a standard practice area of 40 m3 will be completely filtered every 6 minutes. The units can also be used to examine patients on non-operative days, since it is never possible to completely exclude the possibility that someone is carrying the coronavirus. The units provide, without any obstructions, extremely efficient protection from bacteria and microorganisms of exactly the recommended operating area and instruments.
The Sterile Air Flow is experienced as very pleasant by personnel, because the air it produces is not cold and it is also very quiet – comparable to a projector.


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