Operio- Portable Laminar Air Flow



21 January 2021
Operio is a mobile laminar air flow unit for the ventilation of neurosurgery operationg rooms. The portable laminar air flow units Sterile Air Flow units creates  sterile, ultraclean conditions for neurosurgery operating rooms to protect patients from infections.


21 January 2021
TOUL helps prevent infections in the NICU with a mobile laminar air flow that reduces the bacteria count up to 95%.

Veterinary surgery

21 January 2021
TOUL focused laminar flow removes 99.9% of airborne bacteria and micro-organisms, and can replace the ventilation system in veterinary operating rooms.

Vascular surgery

21 January 2021
L’infezione da innesto di protesi vascolari è una delle più temibili complicanze correlate alla chirurgia vascolare, esitando spesso in prolungata ospedalizzazione, in perdita di funzioni d’organo o di arto, o nel decesso.

Plastic surgery

21 January 2021
TOUL focused laminar flow is a system that removes 99.9% of airborne bacteria and micro-organisms, including Covid-19.

Field hospitals

21 January 2021
TOUL flusso laminare focalizzato è il sistema che elimina il 99,9% dei batteri e microrganismi, compreso il Coronavirus Covid19 e crea condizioni di sterilità adeguate alla chirurgia attraverso un flusso d’aria laminare mobile che protegge dalle infezioni il personale sanitario e i pazienti.
Tunnel carpale in ambulatorio

Ambulatory surgery

21 January 2021
TOUL horizontal laminar flow removes 99.9% of airborne bacteria and micro-organisms (including Coronavirus Covid-19) and creates a strictly aseptic area.

Cardiac Cath Lab

21 January 2021
Standards & Guidelines for cardiac catheterization laboratory : operating room ventilation or untraclean ventilation for Cardiac Cath Lab

Cardiac surgery

21 January 2021
TOUL focused laminar flow creates a strictly aseptic space, by removing 99.9% of airborne bacteria and micro-organisms, including Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.